Try It: Outdoor Scavenger Hunt with Voyage
There’s a lot to be said about a fun day spent in the sun. According to the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation, engaging with nature helps individuals relieve stress and can boost moods. That’s why at KAC, we’re always looking for activities that combine our love of nature with the chance to get creative. An outdoor scavenger hunt is the perfect way to do just that!
You can use your imagination to personalize your outdoor scavenger hunt with additional clues, or shrink it down for younger explorers, but we’ll help you get started. Try collecting the following items:
- Five leaves that look different
- A stick that is longer than your hand
- A rock with spots on it
- Something that is brown
- A flower
- A flat rock
- Something that needs sun to live
- 10 blades of grass
- Something you love to play with
- A piece of trash you can recycle
- Something that is heavy
- Something that is very light
- An item smaller than your thumb
- Something that starts with “M”
- Something that smells good
Next, use the items collected from your outdoor scavenger hunt to make an engaging nature collage.
KAC’s Voyage Program Participants enjoyed exploring the outdoors and getting creative to complete this project, and we hope you do too!
What is Voyage?
Voyage is an active day program for young adults with disabilities. Programs focus on increasing independence through community involvement. Individuals help plan outings and activities with each day geared to the group’s combined interests. Participants develop life skills, enjoy social interaction with their peers, and explore recreational and volunteer activities in the community.
For more information about KAC’s Adult Services, click here.
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